Friday, August 12, 2011

My Unwanted Vacation Souvenir

While on vacation in Destin in July, we dined at Fudpucker's.  The crab balls were delicious, the hushpuppies, not so much.  While sliding into the wooden booth, I was greeted by a 3 inch long piece of wood that pierced through my shorts and ouch!  I looked at the hostess and said something that included the word splinter and pulled it out, set it on the table and said, hmm, there's still some in there.  After a few minutes I headed to the restroom, pulled a little bit more out and realized that the rest was not going to come out.  Upon my return to the table, the manager came and filled out an accident report.  He suggested I go to a local clinic and let them know it happened at the restaurant.  Well that plan didn't work with our schedule. The clinic was only open 8-5 and we had reservations for parasailing and a boat rental.  I thought about going the morning we were heading out of town, but honestly I just wanted to get home at that point and I couldn't imagine taking the kids to the clinic before being in the car for 8 hours.  I enjoyed the rest of vacation and got up early Saturday morning to go have "surgery" to have my splinter removed from my rear.  The doctor asked what restaurant in Destin because he vacations there frequently and when I replied he said, "you'll be going on antibiotics."  Nice.

Well, I finally got the bill from my surgery and I have just emailed it to the manager and am waiting on his reply.  It's not that much (under $35) since we have really good insurance up here.  I almost wish I had insisted on them comping our meal but he never offered and I just wanted out of that restaurant.  While the crab balls were yummy, I don't plan on EVER dining there again.

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