Monday, August 22, 2011

No Makeup...No Worries

*Edited because last night while trying to fall asleep I realized that I used real names*

I'm still struggling with waking up on time to get the kids to school.  My internal clock has not adjusted quite yet.  Funny to think that last year I was up and showered before the kids were even awake but that was because I had important places to go: work!  Being in a new place with a wide open schedule leaves me with a list of items that need to be accomplished but a lot of time in which to accomplish those things.  Last week I was really good about getting up and at least making myself presentable before walking into the school to take Firefly to his classroom.  It's not that anyone cares what I look like (except me) but when you are meeting people, first impressions make a big difference.  And I'd rather feel somewhat put together when I meet new people.

But this morning, I was really trying to psych myself up to go to the Y and workout after I dropped the kids off.  So, instead of putting makeup on, I put on workout clothes, threw my hair back in a ponytail and thankfully at least dabbed some concealer on under my eyes.  I dropped Flipflop off and then drove around to the other door to take Firefly inside.  I was in and out in about a minute and a half.  Waved hi to a couple moms and headed to my car.  But alas, Flipflop left her water bottle in the car.  So I ended up going back inside and walking over to her hallway to give her the water bottle.  In doing so, I met up with another mom who stopped me for a moment to let me know to check Flipflop's backpack for an invitation to a prayer group for the 3rd grade girls (love this idea!).  Then almost as a second thought, she says, you know, we have a group of moms that meet on Monday mornings right after drop off to pray for our kids.  You should join us.  It only takes about 20 minutes.  I'm thinking to myself, do you see what I look like right now?  And you want me to go meet a group of people?  And you know what I did?  I went to that group and prayed for our kids and made some more friends.  I'm so glad I did even if I was a little stinky and not too pretty.  And no, I didn't go workout.  I came home and cleaned instead.

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